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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 743, Issue 2,
Pages 231-346 (6 September 1996)

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Separation parameters via virtual migration distances in high-performance liquid chromatography, capillary zone electrophoresis and electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 231-246
A. S. Rathore and Cs. Horváth
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (990 K)

Effect of the packing pressure on the performance of C18 reversed-phase liquid chromatographic columns, Pages 247-259
Hong Guan-Sajonz and Georges Guiochon
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (793 K)

Investigation on enantiomeric separations of fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl amino acids and peptides by high-performance liquid chromatography using native cyclodextrins as chiral stationary phases, Pages 261-271
Tang Y., J. Zukowski and D. W. Armstrong
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (545 K)

Specific determination of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins and peptides by differential iodination, Pages 273-282
Andreas G. Schepky, Gerold Meinhardt, Sabine Austermann, Knut Adermann, Peter Schulz-Knappe, Wolf-Georg Forssmann and Ralf Hass
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (540 K)

Determination of chlorophenols in drinking water with high resolution gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Pages 283-292
I. Turner, I. Rodríguez, C. M. García and R. Cela
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (534 K)

Distinction between enzymic and nonenzymic lipid peroxidation, Pages 293-300
Anita Mlakar and Gerhard Spiteller
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (464 K)

Analysis of the possibility of SF6 detection by a solute switching method with a modulator containing a 63Ni source, Pages 301-306
Jan Lasa, Janusz Rosiek and Bodgan Drozdowicz
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (302 K)

Determination of critical micelle concentration by capillary electrophoresis Application to organo-saline electrolytes, Pages 307-314
J. C. Jacquier and P. L. Desbène
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (416 K)

Capillary zone electrophoresis/electrospray mass spectrometry of priority phenols, Pages 315-321
Tsai Cheng-Yuan and Her Guor-Rong
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (388 K)

Coupling of high-performance liquid chromatography with Raman spectrometry, Pages 323-327
T. D. Nguyen Hong, M. Jouan, Quy Dao Nguyen, M. Bouraly and F. Mantisi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (284 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic separation and determination of small amounts of process impurities of famotidine in bulk drugs and formulations, Pages 328-334
Sajid Husain, Sara Khalid, V. Nagaraju and R. Nageswara Rao
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (301 K)

Method for the separation of uranium(IV) and (VI) oxidation states in natural waters, Pages 335-340
Martine Carol Duff and Christopher Amrhein
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (354 K)

Plots of relative retention against solute boiling point indicate extra solute interactions with a liquid crystal polysiloxane stationary phase, Pages 341-346
T. J. Betts
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (334 K)


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